Saturday, March 7, 2009

What if Americans finally grew a pair......

Would we stop electing yes men for the special interests of the Corporate Pirates?
Would we finally turn off our television sets and start talking about the crooks that are running our governments?
Would we start reading and investigating for ourselves instead of taking the words of multi-millionaire shills for the special interests?
Would we finally learn the definitions of the various "isms" and stop quaking in fear whenever Socialism is mentioned?
We have always lived in a combination of many "isms" and it is only when one becomes overly dominant that our elected whores learn how to take advantage for their own interests and the interests of the more fortunate,ie,RICH.
Would we finally realize that the Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE bank, is not part of our government and that it makes money out of thin air, backed by nothing but smoke and mirrors, and then loans that money, our money, to our government, to be paid back at full face value plus interest?
We are paying a huge premium to foreign banks for our own money. We can't get much more ignorant than that, but we are trying.
Would we finally stop using religion to hate each other rather than to love each other?
Would we finally realize that kindness and charity to the less fortunate, a real Christian value, is not a hand out to the "lazy bastards"?
Would Jesus say, " I earned mine, go out and earn your own?" I don't think so.
Would he really preach to hate those that are different than ourselves?
Would he prevent those that are different from going to Heaven, whatever that is?
Would he really accept that we are using a version of a book to represent the word of God and himself that was written well after he walked the Earth and even then, the most favored version of the book was written by a British King who didn't like the Roman Pope?
How utterly foolish.
I know we can do better.
I hope we do real soon.

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